Medicaid Experiments: An Overview of Potential Waivers in Ohio
January 31, 2018
Loren Anthes, Public Policy Fellow
The following Issue Brief takes a look at the different waivers being pursued or considered by Ohio and the policy implications of the various proposals. This research will look into the policy underpinnings of these efforts both in Ohio and federally, as well as some of the legal and policy questions which might arise from their enactment.
- Many States are pursuing experimental policies which seek to undermine the Affordable Care Act and its coverage expansions
- Ohio’s waiver proposals will likely lead to broad disenrollment, administrative burdens for county governments and providers, and Ohio’s healthcare industry
- Ohio opted to pursue the expansion of inpatient behavioral health services through managed care, but did not include reimbursement for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD)
- The Trump Administration has streamlined the waiver process, encouraging states to experiment with waivers, though the efforts will be challenged in the courts[bctt tweet="Ohio’s waiver proposals will likely lead to broad disenrollment, administrative burdens for county governments and providers and for Ohio’s healthcare industry. Read more in this @communitysols report" username="CommunitySols"]