A man holding a baby while standing next to another man.

AIDS Funding Collaborative

We engage the community through forums and trainings, community-wide programming, and support agencies working on large-scale initiatives.

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen the community’s response to HIV/AIDS as a public-private partnership providing coordination, leadership, advocacy, and funding in Cuyahoga County.

More than grant making

Our work advances timely and equitable access to quality prevention and care—improving quality of life for those at-risk or living with HIV/AIDS in Cuyahoga County. We prioritize the health of key populations and champion equitable access to effective HIV prevention. Beyond grantmaking, our advocacy and initiatives are often conceived and led in partnership with the community.

Community Planning

The AFC participates in community advisory and planning groups in collaboration with agencies that relate to our mission.

  • Ending the HIV Epidemic Community Advisory Group
  • Cuyahoga Regional HIV Prevention & Care Planning Council
  • Ohio Department of Health Combined Community Planning Group
  • Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment Steering Committee
  • Cleveland PrEP Work Group
  • Philanthropy Ohio Health Initiative

Forums & Trainings

Each year, we convenes a community briefing on proceedings of national HIV/AIDS conferences. Members from the community hear from local conference attendees about prevention and care, cutting edge research, current public policy and advocacy opportunities.

Our collaborative trainings offer continuing education credits through the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County. Dynamic local and national trainers provide critical updates and facilitate learning for frontline staff, clinical providers, and advocates.


Our communications increases motivation and urgency for ending HIV transmission.

In partnership with the Cleveland PrEP Working Group, Equitas Health and Little Jacket media, we launched a local awareness campaign to improve local knowledge of HIV pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and drive traffic to OhioPrEP.org.

This initiative was supported by Cleveland Department of Public Health and the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Our Funding Partners

The AIDS Funding Collaborative engages with federal, state and local agencies to help reduce the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in high-risk communities.

Work with the AIDS Funding Collaborative

Does your organization aim to increase access to care and decrease the spread of HIV? Apply for a grant or become a funding partner to help us minimize political and other barriers to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Explore AFC topics

Learn how we strengthen an ecosystem of advocacy to reduce the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the Cleveland community.


AFC Grantees 2020 - 2023

Julie Patterson
January 1, 2024

2022 AFC Responsive Grants announced

Julie Patterson
October 24, 2023

AFC Advisory Committee

Amy Main Morgenstern

AFC Chair; Mt. Sinai Health Foundation, board designee

Brian Kimball

AFC Vice-Chair; Cleveland Department of Public Health, staff representative

Clifford Barnett

The Cleveland Foundation, designated community representative

Shelby Kaemmerer

Mt. Sinai Health Foundation, staff representative

Zachary Levar

Ryan White Part A Program, designated organization representative

Professor Janet McGrath

Community-at-large member

Michael Morgan

CWRU/UHC AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, designated organization representative

Jill Paulsen

The George Gund Foundation, board designee

Gary Richardson

Community-at-large member

Sabrina Roberts

Cuyahoga County, staff representative

Kayli Salzano

The George Gund Foundation, staff representative

Harvey Snider, Esq.

Alcohol, Drug Addiction, & Mental Health Services Board, board representative

Jonathan Stone

Cuyahoga County, designated community representative

Kathryn Terrell

The Cleveland Foundation, staff representative

Dr. Puja Van Epps

Community-at-large member

Leshia Yarbrough-Franklin

Alcohol, Drug Addiction, & Mental Health Services Board, staff representative

Strategic Plan

Check out our plans for 2023-2026 and our plans for impact.

Strategic Plan Executive Summary 2023-2026

Strategic Plan