Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

We make data digestible. Community Solutions produces fact sheets highlighting demographic, health, and social indicators for communities around Ohio. We examine data indicators within poverty, education, employment, income, health outcomes, and public benefit programs. Policymakers and direct service organizations use this resource to better understand the communities they serve and advocate for improved health and social conditions around the state.

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Cleveland Neighborhoods

Our City of Cleveland Ward and Neighborhoods fact sheets highlight demographic, health, and social indicators in the City of Cleveland. The fact sheets include basic demographic information about each neighborhood and pre-pandemic data on employment and income, poverty, education, housing and health. Both sets of Fact Sheets are based on the latest available data, collected in 2019.

Ohio Legislative Districts

Building these district profiles was no small feat. We matched up thousands of Census block groups with the boundaries of Ohio’s new legislative districts and then matched those districts with thousands more data points from the U.S. Census Bureau. This resulted in a fact sheet for each of the 132 legislative districts, 99 in the House, 33 for the Senate, using both research and public policy knowledge. We’ve included demographic information about each district, as well as district-level data on employment and income, poverty, education, housing, and health. 

Cuyahoga County Council Districts

The Cuyahoga County Council District Fact Sheets highlight demographic, health, and social indicators for each council district in Cuyahoga County. The fact sheets include basic demographic information about each district, as well as district level data on employment and income, poverty, education, housing, and health.

Status of Women Fact Sheets

Ohio enjoys a high rate of health care coverage, at 95%. Yet maternal health challenges continue to impact the health of women and their families. Ohio women are educated, engaged…and stretched. Women are more likely to be caregivers, and mothers work at rates higher than the national average. Even when working, Ohio women with children are more likely to live in poverty. Having children increases the likelihood of living in poverty by four-fold.