The OneOhio Foundation is tasked with distributing 55 percent of Ohio’s opioid settlement funds over the next two decades in nineteen regions to provide representation across the state. The remainder will go directly to the state and local governments.
The OneOhio Foundation is tasked with distributing 55 percent of Ohio’s opioid settlement funds over the next two decades.
The OneOhio Recovery Foundation was created pursuant to the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding, after the 2021 opioid settlements awarded Ohio around $2 billion for opioid crisis recovery.Map of the 19 Regions created by the OneOhio Recovery Foundation.

OneOhio Recovery December meeting and expert panel
While the December 2023 meeting was highly active, two significant actions were taken by the Board. This included the appointment of four new members to the Expert Panel and the approval of the 2024 operating and grant budgets.Pursuant to the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding, the nine members of the Expert Panel are to include both practitioners and scholars with expertise in addiction and behavioral health, public health, prevention science, pain management, and/or opioid and other substance use disorders. Seven of the nine members have been appointed, with the two remaining positions to be appointed by the Board later. The current members of the Expert Panel can be seen in the table below.[table id=242 /]
OneOhio Recovery 2024 operating budget
In addition to the Expert Panel appointments, the Board approved 2024 operating and grant budgets. The Foundation’s operating budget for 2024 is $1.9 million with the largest expense being personnel. A breakdown of the operating budget by category can be seen in the table below.[table id=243 /]The 2024 grant budget is $51.6 million, consisting of $51.2 million allocated for regional approved grants and $359,400 designated for the grant support system. The grant support system encompasses a grant manager, grant system, and professional development.
The $51.2 million for regional approved grants is distributed among the 19 regions based on the regional share percentages established in the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding.
OneOhio Recovery approved grants
The $51.2 million for regional approved grants is distributed among the 19 regions based on the regional share percentages established in the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding. Although this funding is available for use in 2024, it is important to note that any multi-year grant awards must be derived from this allocation. Furthermore, this funding represents the first and second years of the Distributor and Janssen settlement payments.[table id=244 /]It is imperative to note that Cuyahoga and Summit counties, Regions 3 and 5 respectively, are not eligible for a larger allocation of funding as these counties settled with many of the companies involved with the opioid litigation outside of the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding. More information regarding the two counties’ settlement agreement can be found here.As regions embark on the process of determining recommendations to the Board regarding the allocation of funds within their specific regions, The Center for Community Solutions encourages regions to adopt a transparent approach that encourages public engagement. Community Solutions will continue to monitor the Foundation's progress in addressing the opioid epidemic as the Foundation’s grantmaking official begins this year.