JCARR held a hearing on the doula certification rules, recently called into question, as well as learning opportunities for doulas and other community stakeholders.
Advocate testimony about doula certification rules
On September 9, the Ohio Joint Committee on Agency Review (JCARR) held a hearing about doula certification rules (rules 4723-24-01 to 4723-24-07). Marie McCausland, Chair of the Doula Advisory Group, expressed her concerns about the rules, particularly the definition of certified doula and the disciplinary section. She suggested the definition of certified doula should be clarified as to any doula who has been certified by the Board of Nursing (BON) and not to be confused with other certifications offered by a doula training/certifying organization.
Rules changes, discipline, and racial bias
By changing the definition, doulas in Ohio could still identify as certified doulas if they do not get certified under the BON, but only through doula training/certification agencies/organizations. Additionally, McCausland recommended that JCARR should not move forward with the disciplinary section.
The disciplinary section displays racial bias as there is no one who is Black individual on the BON that will enforce those specific rules.
Many individuals who have provided public comments throughout the rulemaking process, including doulas, explained that the disciplinary section displays racial bias as there is no one who is Black individual on the BON that will enforce those specific rules. She inferred that this bias is concerning in a state where there is a need for a culturally competent maternal health workforce to address the high Black infant and maternal mortality rates.
While JCARR members understood and even seemed to agree with McCausland, they cannot amend the rules at this time because none of these issues violates the JCARR prongs. Representative Jamie Callender explained that the rules do not conflict with the current statute, but that the language can be amended in future legislation.
Learn more about Medicaid reimbursement
Board of Nursing doula certification and implementation of Medicaid reimbursement for doula services will soon be in effect. For doulas still interested in becoming certified under the BON to receive reimbursement from Medicaid, they can sign up for trainings provided by the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM), OBN, and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). If interested in the trainings, information to register and view previous webinars can be found here.
Nontraditional healthcare providers will share strategies for successfully navigating Medicaid reimbursement.
The Center for Community Solutions will host a webinar about Medicaid billing for nontraditional providers on September 27: Can I bill Medicaid for that? Panelists include Lovell Custard from Murtis Taylor Human Services System, Jenelle Hoseus from Health Impact Ohio and Central Ohio Pathways HUB, and Sue Kucklick from the May Dugan Center.
Nontraditional healthcare providers will share strategies for successfully navigating Medicaid reimbursement. Hear from three organizations that are making it work and get practical tips on how to get started. Anyone who is a nontraditional provider, such as community health workers and doulas, are invited to attend.